Wednesday, October 8, 2008

An activity book.

When flipping through the an activity book the other day prem and I came across some VITAL information. mostly on things to make, do and how to tell storys.( please read carefully the following)
"If you are ever telling a story And you need to make the sound affects of two men crossing a desert. Simply take 2 pieces of sandpaper and rub them together That is sure to create the sound affects your looking for.
Riding on a donkey? Simply cut open a coconut hollow it out and repeatedly slap the two pieces together you will then be making the sound of a donkey.
Want to build an Inn? A little one of course. Well all you need is a cardboard box and a some small bits of straw and sticks. you cut a hole from the box, scatter around the straw and there's your Inn.
I hope you find this information useful for your story telling, GBY.


Anonymous said...

why were you reading the activity book?

Anonymous said...

Ha, just found this! Look forward to hearing more from you guys.

Love you both heaps!


Anonymous said...

well the answer to that question obviously all depends on who you are!


Anonymous said...

Yes, because hollowing out a coconut, and tearing your house apart to find sandpaper is so much more convenient than simply telling the story like it is: "Two men rode a donkey across the desert.."

Just curious...if rubbing two pieces of sandpaper together will surely create the sound of two men in the desert, what will create the sound of one man in the desert?

Ah the activity books. When life was simple and free time was to be avoided at all costs!! heh.

Anonymous said...

Sorry Prem. That was me. :D

Unknown said...

You guys are really funny - I can't imagine how you'll do without the other one. Prem - we're going to really miss you here man - you have been ridiculous and you belie dat...guess who??

Anonymous said...

HAHAHAH that is so the best. Rob and Prem, you guys need to come back to Japan someday--the girls sure miss you! Hahahah! Take care

Anonymous said...

Activity book info,

to make the sound of 1-5 men crossing the dessert the same rule applies, (two pieces of sandpaper, for more than five you obviously need more sand paper) for further answers to your puzzling questions please refrain from writing anyone and ask God.

ROB and PREM said...

that is right