Tuesday, November 17, 2009

want add

I'm kinda half looking for a girl freind.
And a freind of mine wrote up a want add for me So I thought I might throw it up here before It goes to the family website. lets see if there is any bites.

Hi, My name is Rob, I'm a dazzling young man, with quite a few practical skills under my belt! I'm not too good at sewing or knitting, so I'm looking for a young lass to stitch a few things together for me and our future little Robbies and Robbettes ;) Now listen, I don't want to come across like I'm all about demands, like first of all with sewing, then knitting, then making a couple of Robbies or Robettes, cause you'd be perfect in my books if you're over at least 30 and have at least 2 or more already made kiddos.
Now a little about me! I'm taller than most and shorter than some! Some say that I'm ruggedly handsome, but all who know me would generally say I'm quite a lovely guy! I'm in quite good shape and honestly I can say I don't have a single grey hair, so if you do, no worries, you can wear them for the both of us. Really, I'm looking for a Lonely, Older Lady (LOL) so if you happen to be a LOL, please write to me today at.


(so yeah tell me how u reckon this request is gunna go. Thanks) If anyone out there thinks they got a fair idea what prem is like and what he wants please write one for him too... Im not sure if he's looking or not. but it can't hurt. I dont think...


Anonymous said...

Looking for a girl huh Rob!!!!

ROB and PREM said...

That depends completely on who you are!

Mari said...

That is so funny. It should go down well Rob. You may just find a girlfriend this way.... Good luck!

Paula said...

hahahaha!!! its so good! now im wishing i were a LOL!!

Anonymous said...

aahahahahah LMAO!

Anonymous said...

Ouch Mari

Joan said...

hahahah that's just craaaazy!!!

Anonymous said...

Well I hope you will have a girl that is.....

James said...

that was hilarious. Good one bro.

Alyx Jones said...

ok that sucks. guess i'll have to contact you in another ten years and see if the offer still stands. oh well.

SerenaRose said...

how much older you talking Rob, I think you should verify...late 20s, 30s, 40s...need I go on? ;)

SerenaRose said...

ok well I just reread it and saw you said at least 30...gotcha

David said...

could have made it a tad longer Robbie, say something about your guitar playing ... girls like the musical types .. tell them how you can pretty much put any words to the "Hotel California" song ... now that is serious talent

David said...

I think Prem does need one of these terrific ads ... whether he knows it or not

Lily said...

Is this for real? I mean are you actually serious!?

Anonymous said...

what happened to those chicks at fdtp Rob? :-)

ROB and PREM said...

Yes this is very serious and dave your right!! I totally forgot I could do that Thats amazing I'll have to practise and if it still works up it will go... Thanks everyone for the support please pass the word around if this want add doesnt work im sure nothing will

Anonymous said...

Well have a great time for looking for one...

Mary said...

Hahahah..I'm lovin it! But tell me, how does one be a 'young lass' and LOL at the same time?

Ange said...

Dear, sweet, smiling Rob,

This so totally explains why, although I fit the LOL bill, you couldn't give me a second thought: because I'm missing the "at least 2 or more already made kiddos". Alas!

I think you're setting your expectations way too high in that regard. You should reconsider.


(Wee word of advice: Whatever you do, make sure she's a jolly lass, who lifts your spirits. For at least 2 minutes. At a time.)

Gabriela said...

Rob, you're a kook. End of story.

Anonymous said...

gosh robbo, I laughed so hard

Laura said...

haha.. Robbies & Robbettes!! you should definitely add the stuff about the guitar & don't forget your ability to wear super short shorts, red ones..hehe, that'll be an attention getter!

I have a single white eye lash, ha.. does that count as hair? :)

I think this will go over awesomely on the Mo site! Gambatte! Go get'em tiger!

Anonymous said...

Like how old are you looking for???

Mellie said...

ya mention the shorts, sweetheart, you've got killer legs..

tess said...

hahaha the LOL thing is so funny..thats new to me! i think am a LOL waaaaa..anywayz,find ur post so addictive that it made me want to comment....